steven was going through his stuff and found his. he asked what it was! i was sooo surprised he had never seen or used one of these before. i could not let this go on any more! we grabbed it and went straight to the bathroom. im sure there were more important things to get done, but this had to be dealt with!!! of course as he warmed up the water i grabbed the camera to document this momentous occasion! so here are a few pictures (3 months after Christmas) to show you steven's first towel expanding experience!
1...the towel in its last moments of looking like mickey mouse's head!
2...steven holding it under the water and being ever so patient for the towel to be soft!
3...the stiffness is going away and steven is starting to see the actual towel
4...can you just feel the excitement in his face to see his new towel!! :]
I've never had that experience. Have I not yet lived?
aimee!!!! ill have to get one for you!
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