Wednesday, December 8, 2010

my, oh my... [TONS of pictures]

how time has flown. we recently took family pictures. it's become sort of a tradition to do our family pictures the weekend after thanksgiving when the leaves have turned yellow and are falling. so we hired our lovely friend shannon powmargo (her flickr site) to do our pictures again. we had done our first set of "family pictures" in november of 2008; here's the post with those pictures. we didnt do them in 2009 because we headed out to cali for thanksgiving, but we remembered to do them this year. probably cause i didn't want to be the bad mom and not take pictures of my child.

for just a quick comparison before the reveal...this boggles my mind! my, how pictures seem a little bit more difficult to take when there's a 16 month old involved!
[november 2008]
[november 2010]

now on to the pictures...

hope you enjoyed! don't blame the carpel tunnel on me! :]


Linzi Jo said...

Your Pictures are amazing!

Lindsay Drew (from BHC)

Eva said...

very cute, i LOVE the dress & boot combo that you're wearing!

Anonymous said...

love it sweeth20!

layout code

actual readers!