so now that i have dusted off the blog, i'm going to sort of start where i left off when i posted our family DEC!!!
we headed to cali for christmas again. and we were all excited for evelynn this year knowing that she would be more into presents and fun stuff since she was a year older. and boy were the presents waiting. tia and abue spared no expense! :] we dont spoil her too much at christmas since everyone else takes care of that for us. she even got this massive stocking that was taller than her...
[ love that we're all wearing similar colors. notice the little one slowly fading.]
we stayed out there through christmas and into the new year. we weren't sure how evelynn was going to do or if we should have her stay up til midnight. so we went with it and just waiting to see how she would so. she lasted! stayed up, happy new year, blew horns, and ta-da, she made it! good times!
we were able to drive out to san jacinto to visit steven's great aunt irene. she is the sweetest lady every...and makes the best fudge! evelynn loves to visit her too.
so yeah, after the holidays we made the trek back home to utah. in january we celebrated evelynn's half birthday. yeah we are those people. we've made her a little cake and get her a little present on her half birthday ever since she was born. it's something fun for us to do - one of those little traditions she'll always remember.
and here is just some pure cuteness for you to enjoy...
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