Wednesday, March 11, 2009

we are alive...all three of us!

let me dust off this blog so i can give the whole handful of you guys an update... even though you probably know it all!

so we are now 20 weeks pregnant (itll be 21 on friday). we found out last friday, 3/6, that we are having a girl. hopefully thatll be confirmed 100% next month! when we went for the ultrasound our little bun in the oven was very active (and i feel none of it!!). she was doing sumersaults and covering her face with her arms. grrr! so when we go back next month the doc is going to do another ultrasound to go over things again and to hopefully check her parts again! :]

i have been trying to be good and not go into the baby section...too much! i havent gotten into too much trouble! im quite proud. i know that this little girl is going to be spoiled rotten by everyone so i probably wont have to do much besides feed her! :]

aside from the baby, our lives are staying busy. steven is working tons of hours right now (thank God) and is raking in the overtime. I try and get lots done on saturdays when he is working. as for me, the school year seemed to pick up and get really busy ten weeks before the school year ended. im wondering how that works. i have received a handful of new students. which means working them into the flow we already had going on, paperwork, and meetings. but they are lots of fun. im also trying to get progress reports done and a 6 page report for my students who are going to kindergarten next year...and have meetings for each of those kids! oh the joys of paperwork, meetings, and business! its been a fun experience though and im going to miss it next year. but ill be able to spend lots of time with our little girl!

pictures will be coming not worry!


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actual readers!