Saturday, October 18, 2008

life-part 1...

okay so here is the long-awaited update. i think im going to make it a two parter. for the sake of time and not wanting to sit here foooorever! my last major post was about my trip to mexico, which was in july. that was such a blessing. now we are hoping to be able to go with the youth to thailand in march. lets keep our fingers crossed. itll take a lot of money i think. who knows!

so in august i moved into my new classroom. here are some pictures of it before it was all finished. i realized i didnt have updated pictures but oh well. guess those will be a surprise when they get posted, you may even get a video!

1. This area now has those grey cubicle panels you see put up to make three work cubbies. i guess itll make sense when you see the up-to-date pictures. you can see one of my aides on the left...yes shes on her phone! :]

2. this is the middle of the room. on that counter straight ahead is where my desk is now. i have so many cupboards. and those two big cabinets! i love it. sitting on the floor is my other aide, she's awesome...not on her phone and working hard! :]
3. and there is the glorious storage closet! you see those shelves by the door, but it goes about 4 feet to the left also. its like a small room! ive considered making it my prayer closet but im not sure how that would work out and they would think im totally weird. i guess ill count the cost! and to my right in this picture, which you cant see, is another counter top much like #2 and more cupboards.
So there you have...a small tour of my room. i think a video would be much better. plus i can narrate it! :] so now that we are up and running for the school year things look much nicer and put together. needless to see this is where i spend A LOT of time. ive been sucked in!

once the school year started it was time for church family camp. not (church) family camp...but church family (camp). this was the first year we have been able to go. and since we serve in the youth ministry we have the privilege of camping with the youth kids. we had our own little community. and they werent too crazy that weekend.

1. some sweet time of worship in God's creation. yes the lights are hung up like a pinata!
2. shannon and i before they left to go paintballing. i stayed behind to play bocce ball. yes i have traded in the gun and mask for a game of throwing balls around! funny story though. so i stayed to play in the "bocce ball tournament" i had heard so much about. after waiting for some people to show up it was me, pastor rick, and two other men who go to our church. we started to play and they were surprised that i could actually play the game! ha... :] i told them i perfected my bocce ball skills while volunteering for the special olympics. although my teammate and i lost by a hair, we gave them a run for their money! theyll be ready for next year!
3. so this big area where we had church and worship, which was right in front of the fire pit and where we ate dinner, had a ton of apple trees (the apples were delicious). and since this place is secluded there were free-roaming deer walking around and eating the apples. it was so cool to see them get this close. you could tell they were very cautious cause if they saw one thing move, they were walking back towards the bushes in the back. back as you can see in the 2nd picture, they got pretty close. i had wished my grandma were there cause she LOVES deer.

4. it was super cool to have our sunday service in between all these apple trees. it was pretty cold though cause there was a storm passing through all weekend (which resulted in a broken tent on saturday night). lots of wind and light rain. crazy weather. and the clouds were crazy looking.5. and yes we stayed up til midnight every night playing games with the youth kids. it was funny to watch them play hide and seek in the dark. we started to mainly play games inside since it was getting pretty cold at night with the storm passing through.

6. on sunday we had a time of baptism. these kids sitting with pastor rick were the ones who were getting baptized. he was sitting there with them giving them a biblical view of water baptism and why we do it. and making sure that that was still what they wanted to do. it was a sweet time! and cold for those who had to get in the water!7. after the baptism we made a slip-and-slide. it was hilarious. with water and dish soap you can have a lot of fun! i really wanted to try this but we ended up going to the lehman caves.
8. so like i said before we went to the lehamn caves. we went with bill and marica. it was pretty cool to see some cave formation stuff. our guide was even more interesting. this picture with bill and marica was taken in a pretty dark area of the cave and im pretty sure we blinded a few people behind us! ha...

9. so after the guide told us not to touch any of the cave formations it took all of me not to touch anything. you dont think of things until someone says not to do it! plus they look like they have interesting textures. and i am a big person on feeling different kinds of textures. so marica and i PRETENDED to touch the cave stuff. rest assured that we did not touch anything, and didnt mess up any of the "rocks" that have been forming for "millions of years"!! the picture below us was a cool one to see in person. they had some name for it but then started asking tourists what theyd name it. the guide said that a little boy had said to call it "an elephant stepping in gum", which i thought was adorable. plus thats what it really looks like. funny stuff...

10. so on this ranch where we went camping they have some other livestock in addition to the deer. there were these sheep. they were really loud and annoying. i thought it was funny that there was this one black sheep in the pen with the white ones. i guess this is how i feel in st george, utah! :]

11. fun times with friends. we said this would be our poster picture for the young adults ministry. here we have (LtoR) shannon, me, steven, chris, and cody. not sure what cody is doing though. we are a bit confused!ok well this will conclude part one. i need to get away from this computer! i wish i could just talk to the computer and it would type in what im saying. but i dont have that so i must give my wrists a break before i get carpel-tunnel (or however you spell it!).
until then....

1 comment:

Raymond said...

That last picture is awesome!

layout code

actual readers!